Kemeticism: The Red-Headed Step Child of Paganism.

Note: BNP stands for Big Name Pagan.

So, I started a new Kemetics only group on FB this week because of some discussion that happened. I ended up doing it, initially, as a joke. However, it’s actually starting to take off. This surprised the hell out of me because I didn’t seem to realize that there are other Kemetics out there who don’t have a place to talk about things with others. And to be honest, aside from the Kemetic SIG on the forum, I very rarely get into any conversations about Kemetism in any way, shape, or form. If I do, my audience tends to stare at me with glazed eyes because they don’t understand what it is I’m saying. (I need to carry a permanent list of Kemetic terms tattooed to my forearm or something so people will know what I mean when I’m discussing isfet and ma’at.) It’s at the point where I pretty much just discuss whatever with Devo with occasional forays with other Kemetics like Helmsman of Yinepu and Mr. Walsh. Anyway, a conversation began to grow out of a question I asked in the group about what kind of Kemetic these new members happen to be…

…and the explosion turned into my mini-rant about how Kemetism is the Red-Headed Step Child of paganism.

I’ll admit here, I had not clue that I was this hot about this particular subject. It’s something that I’ve felt since I began working on a pagan path all those years ago, but it never solidified into me going on about how completely unknown Kemetism is outside of Kemetic Orthodoxy, and even then, the knowledge is iffy at best. There are pagans out there who know that there is a Kemetic branch to the pagan tree – maybe they have a friend or a family member who follow that path – but they’re not as widely known in a public venue. I don’t see any BNP in the Kemetic sphere. I don’t see any big blogs on Patheos from Kemetic pagans. (Albeit, I don’t go on there very often except to read Mrs. B’s blog or Star Foster’s blog.) I don’t see very many books in a public sense about rituals and offerings and whatnot from a Kemetic point-of-view, my first book into Kemetic paganism notwithstanding. All in all, when it comes to the pagan tree or what have you, the Kemetic branch seems (to me) very withered, unknown, unwilling to branch out, and just generally ignored.

But look, there are Norse pagans. There are Greek pagans. There are Celtic pagans. There are Druids. And I see about these branches all the time. I read about them at pagan gatherings. I read about them in other blogs. I see some of them grow into BNP in the blink of an eye. But where are the Kemetic “pagan celebrities” that people like I can worship girlishly from afar? Where are all of the books that are supposed to help take beginners by the hand and explain this stuff? Where are all of the pagan gatherings with a big, huge booth dedicated to the BNP in Kemetism? And again, I’m not talking about KO. I’m not talking about the start-up temples that are going around out there: I’m talking solitary practitioners, such as myself.

The thing is that there really just isn’t. And I’ll venture a guess here: this probably has something to do with our very asinine inability to play nicely.


Right this second, I am going to post a link to Devo’s commentary about community. If you haven’t read it, I suggest that you do so. Right now. Right this second. Go on. I’ll be here waiting for you when you’re done. … All right? We can move on to the next stage and why I think we’re all such assholes? Okay, let’s go.

In that post, Devo went on about how the pagan community – and specifically, the Kemetic community – are all made up of a shit ton of islands. So, let’s picture the Pacific and look at Indonesia if we’re having a hard time picturing this. You see that this nation is actually made up of so many islands that we can’t count them all. (Of course, you probably could, but I’m not going to.) Liken that world map to paganism as a whole, but more specifically to Kemetism. And in that island chain nation, you have people paddling back and forth, specifically Devo and Helms. They’re trying to network and to make interfaith connections, but very little is happening. Maybe they get welcomed and eat a good meal on an island that’s dedicated more to Celtic recon or Druidry or Heathenry. However, when they enter the waters dedicated to the Kemetic pagan branch of life, they get spears thrown at them, they get laughed at, and if they’re able to land, they are not met with open courtesy. For a religion that was pretty big on community, we’re not doing a fucking thing to turn shit around and head back in that direction.

It’s not that the other communities aren’t interested in helping us. (Maybe.) It’s not that the other communities aren’t willing to give us a leg up. It’s the fact that we’re all so fractured that we’re not willing to bridge the gap, just between practitioners of KO versus solitary practices versus practitioners of Tameran Wicca. And all of the other Kemetic branches that I can’t quite recall or think of off the top of my head. We’re not friendly. We’re not willing to chat. We’re not willing to hear others’ viewpoints on religion or ethics or beliefs. We’re not willing to do more than bitch about how much the other practices suck sweaty monkey balls. Or, we do the fake listening thing with a glazed look on our faces and just think, secretly, about how much we don’t care about what the other person is saying, why they’re saying, even if the message contained is actually a good one. We’re selfish. We’re assholes. We’re incapable of doing anything but working our own paths and claiming it’s “the right one.” That’s bullshit.

Complete bullshit.

And that, my friends, is why Kemetism is the Red-Headed Step Child of Paganism. It’s not because people aren’t willing. It’s not because other branches are overshadowing us. It’s not because there aren’t pagans who would be willing to give advice and give us a hand up on the evolutionary religious ladder. It’s because we’re so busy being right all the time that we can’t take anyone else seriously.

67 thoughts on “Kemeticism: The Red-Headed Step Child of Paganism.

  1. Are Kemetics really that much worse than other recons, or do we just see it more because we’re in the middle of it? I would like to hear from recons of other practices what it’s like for them.

      • Foxdreams, that made me LOL. It’s true though! Especially when it gets into topics like what is more recon, doing *exactly* what the ancients did, even if it’s ridic to try (here I think of someone who’s Kemetic in a northern climate, or like me, living in Central Florida and worshipping the Norse pantheon) – our ancestors (or spiritual forebearers) that lived on a particular cycle did it because they were tied to the land around them, right? Shouldn’t it be more recon do to the same where ever we live? *ponder, ponder*

        Some branches of each trad are worse than others though. I don’t do much mainstream heathen stuff because as far as I know, there’s no Lokean-friendly kindred, let alone Rokkr-friendly. I do feel have to care about how nice Kemetics play because so far, my son’s drawn to Anpu, and pretty deeply. Part of the reason I follow Satsekhem’s blog is so that I have an idea of the concepts, Gods and community that affect his spiritual development. /longass tangential reply, part thank you to Satsekhem

        • You’re welcome! And I’m flattered that you’re using me as a jumping off point for your son’s well-being.

          I will say this about Kemetism, I think part of the reason things are still so… icky in the “community” is because we don’t have large groups that are really worldwide. Heathenry as the Kindreds and the Troth (sp?) to look to for “behavioral clues.” Kemetics have KO and whatever smaller temples are willing to jump into the limelight, which really aren’t many. And if what I’m seeing in KO is any indicator, it’s just the nature of the beast for most Kemetics who join “the club.”

    • I agree. It’s a huge reason why I’m a member of ADF rather than a Celtic Recon group. There just aren’t that many out there and those that exist are often too conservative for my taste.

      • I think I know *one* Celtic recon. They really aren’t as common as they used to be. It seems (to me) that most recons from a Celtic persuasion moved to Druidry in some form or another.

    • I do think it’s probably a grand problem in various pagan branches, but of course, you and I would see it more in line with our Kemetic practices than everything else. I do branch out and try to learn other types of paganism – Heathenry, Celtic, Greek, etc. – so I do know that fractures aren’t just Kemetics only. But sometimes, it feels that way. And sometimes, it feels like we’re even WORSE than some of the other pagan branches having these kind of… growing pains.

  2. Great post. I agree there’s really no sense of cohesion among the Kemetic community, but how do you propose we bridge the gap?

    • I read your comment earlier and I’ve been trying to figure out how to answer. I think my first response is really the best, “Stop being selfish gits.”

      I know that my experiences with other Kemetics aren’t the same across the board, but considering the responses I’m getting from other Kemetics, maybe my experiences *are* more in line with everybody else’s experiences. That being said, I think we should try to work cohesively by getting our heads out of our butts and realizing that if we don’t, we’re going to disintegrate and fall apart. I, as a Kemetic, do not want to see that happen or be a part of it.

      I think, really, we need to be nicer and more willing to listen to others’ concerns, ideas, beliefs, interpretations instead of thinking that “our way” is “the only way.”

  3. I totally agree with the post. However, those people you mentioned, Devo and Helmsman are doing their best to connect with others.

    Having felt that like the poor putz stuck rolling a big boulder up the hill only to have it roll back down again…instead of wasting energy on the Kemetics standing in the corner with their arms crossed, why don’t we seek out opportunities to befriend Kemetics that seem friendly and who strike our interest either on a blog post, a commentary?

    Why not invite guest bloggers and collaborate with a Kemetic friend to create a workshop to showcase at a Pagan gathering, like Pagan Pride Day, or something? Pagan celebs don’t show up over night. They got their street cred by consistently putting themselves out there and developing a following. And they don’t hide! Why don’t some of us plan to attend PantheaCon next year and represent wearing our regalia and talking to people about what we are about? Chat up the celebs and see who would be willing to link up on a project.

    I think that would be a great move on our parts.

    • They really are doing an excellent job, IMO. I love that I’ve found them and that I can discuss my beliefs with them without feeling like I’m doing something wrong. Or, in turn, that I can ask them questions without getting the “snicker, snicker: newbie alert” that I’ve felt from those who are supposed to be older and wiser.

      I think public networking, and outside of our beloved blogosphere and the Internet, at large, is actually a good suggestion. I’ve considered the idea of putting on little presentations about what Kemetism is but I know there isn’t much of a call for it (pagan wise) in my area. My area seems to be full of Wicca and Native American shamanism and new agers, but that’s effectively it.

      I’ve wondered, though, if I should start thinking about taking my show on the road and presenting things in a public venue. However, as far as I know, all I have is a small PPD in September or thereabouts that’s… well, very small. And would I be able to pull it off, is probably a better question…?

      • If people want it they will come. Start out small. I’ve hosted small things for my warcraft buddies, you just start with finding a place to host at, putting together some sort of schedule and then invite people. Don’t put serious money into it though until you’ve started to have it actually work. :) You can do it.

          • I would send out an invite to ppl you know online, let them crash at your place and have a big group discussion. You could also head out to a park or a graveyard for some sort of ritual or something too. A small weekend retreat style. The next year if word of mouth got you more interested ppl you could look at having ppl host discussions, find a cheap convention centre or hall to rent for the night etc. Slowly it grows :)

      • I did a Kemetic-themed service at the local UU, and offered a whole potluck of food to the netjeru! I also did that 1-1/2 hour “powerpoint” intro to Egyptian pagan stuff at the Michigan Paganfest. But you could even do a Kemetic table at a local pagan pride day.

        • I remember you putting your slide show together.

          I think this year is too late for anything at a PPD. If I still feel strongly about it by next year’s PPD, then I’ll consider it.

  4. I’m a Tameran Wiccan, and I have read articles by Kemetics bashing Wiccans for stealing “their gods”. It is truly horrible! We’re all worshiping the same deities, just in different ways. We’re already overlooked in the Pagan community, but we truly are making it worse for ourselves. Instead of isolating the few practitioners there are, we should all be banding together to be recognized.

    I was rather amused when you said “I need to carry a permanent list of Kemetic terms tattooed to my forearm or something so people will know what I mean when I’m discussing isfet and ma’at.” I can relate to that completely. Using Kemetic terms in an uninformed environment just ends up giving me a headache. You would think by now that people would have started to understand some of the frequently used Kemetic terms!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they were all well organized and presented. Nefer sedjmetj!

    • I really can’t understand why Wicca is under the heat lately. I have noticed that some people are all about bashing Wicca either because it’s “too fluffy” or as you said, because Wiccans “steal others’ gods.” That’s ridiculous in my eyes. Honestly? If it wasn’t for Tameran Wicca, I wouldn’t have learned about the different branches of paganism that there are, and so therefore, wouldn’t have learned about Kemetism. And I’d be lost and wandering to this day. So, I’m personally grateful for Wicca.

      Also, side tangent: I really hate it when people bash others’ religions. I try very hard to remain very even keel when I deal with others’ belief systems because it’s not my place to judge others. Apparently, I’m one of the few in the whole wide world and that bugs me to no end. As I’m often found saying, “their path; their rules; it works for them, so why does it matter?”

      I would love to get organized. Hell, I’d love to write a 101 Kemetic book that I don’t think is silly or ridiculous. I’d love to see all of us banding together and not shitting on each others’ beliefs. Unfortunately, I think the fractured state of things is going to be one of the hardest growing pain paganism, and Kemetism, will have to go through. And probably not in our lifetimes.

      • Yes, I do not think we will likely accomplish a unity in our lifetimes. We can all hope, however. Once again, thank you for sharing such a fabulous post. I could relate to everything you said. Seneb-ti!

    • The main problem I have with *some* of the Tamaran Wiccans is that they’ll post: “I am looking for any information on Bast” (Anubis, or whoever.) I track down some links on henadology, per-bast, per-sabu or wherever and they reply: “No, I want to know which crystals and soda she likes.”

      • We kind of consider people like that to be “fluffy bunnies”–people who are not truly serious about their path. I’m annoyed when people do that as well. :’/

  5. Really interesting post. I remember when I had a bit of an interest in the Kemetic path, I had a difficult time finding resources that weren’t related to a group in a completely different state or actually Wicca dressed in Egyptian accessories. It was frustrating. In the end, I went to Druidism anyway…but I still don’t know where to point people who are interested.

    Having been a member of few local Pagan networks/open circles, I have never encountered a Kemetic Pagan in person. They never come into our FB groups or forums. It’s such a shame! In a sea of Wiccans, many of whom don’t realize there are other paths out there, the diversity would be a wonderful educational opportunity.

    • I honestly had a very difficult time with my Kemetism until I discovered TC for the exact same reason. I couldn’t find anything that wasn’t really what I was looking for. I was able to network, however, and I know that not everyone is able to do so (as you’ve pointed out). I’ll say this, I am planning on setting up a bibliography for Kemetism as well as a guides and 101s page because, let’s face it, there just aren’t enough of those. So, if you find someone who is uncertain, send them my way or Devo’s way or Helms’s way, as well. We all have guides, we all have 101s, and we are all willing to aid.

      I honestly wonder if being a hermit or agoraphobe is almost something that you *need* to be when you start out in Kemetism. I have found one other Kemetic in my area and she’s not even in my area, she’s on the other side of the state and we don’t talk!

  6. Epic rant is epic.

    I walked out of my Catholic Church because I couldn’t stand how everything had to fit within a specific worldview or you were doomed. Why in the name of everything holy and damned would I want to listen to any other religion telling me the same thing? If we don’t learn to work this out and freaking *talk* to each other this isn’t going to work. I’m not very familiar with Kemetism, to be perfectly honest. But that isn’t because I’m ignoring it on purpose. It’s because there just isn’t a lot out there. If I wander aimlessly from blog to blog, the odds of me coming across any kind of variety are slim to none. I have to go actively searching for variety. And as soon as I do that suddenly I’m not taking anything seriously…..

    I should back away from the keyboard…. I sense a serious rant coming on and both of my Friendly Hellenic War Deities (new term… I like it) are sitting back chuckling to Themselves…. that’s never good. I’m off tonight…. there will be rant.

    • As I said, I try to be epic only a couple of times a year, that way people sit up and take notice. ;)

      The only reason I know where to find Kemetic blogs is because, as a Kemetic, I finally found a kind of home base and jumping off point. However, not every newbie has been able to do that. And that just bugs the shit out of me. They should have the opportunity to find like minded individuals, but we seem to be so intent on our camouflage. Or, you know, just being assholes.

      I definitely understand that. If I was curious and wanted to know something new about a religious path that I’m not following, I must be “seeking new religion” or some such shit. And that’s what it is: SHIT. I’m a curious person and like to know ALL THE THINGS.

  7. There’s a lot of childish jealousy, from what I’ve seen, within Kemetic circles. People can be very possessive of the gods and their practices. It’s as if they don’t like anyone else playing with their toys. I have also noticed that anyone with UPG that doesn’t fit within ‘the norm’ is ignored or shouted down. It’s as if we are not allowed to develop personal relationships with the gods.

    Everything has to fit into a neat little box. X god likes chocolate and is sweet, Y goddess is fierce and loves rock and roll. To be dedicated to/be a child of B you must be like this…..I could go on for days.

    I might write my own blog on this once I’m feeling more coherent!
    Senneferet x

    • And you know, maybe it is the whole jealousy thing and I’m just not taking that into account. It’s possible. I never really thought of it as jealousy, but that does make a lot of sense.

      I’ll be looking forward to your post!

  8. Thank you, so very much for this article. It pretty much maps out the frustration I’ve experienced not only as a Pagan living dead-smack in the middle of the Bread Basket (ie. Mid-Missouri, for crips’ sake!) — but also, my frustration with the only bit of community I have — the *Online* Pagan community. Currently, I’ve been welcomed with open arms to start writing for on a bi-weekly basis. I converted to Paganism after being a 10yrs-long, inactive Christian of the Methodist persuasion about two years ago. Before I even knew the correct term, I knew that Kemeticism or KO was the route I leaned towards; while I found the Celtic/Norse/Voudon/Wiccan paths interesting to read about, I felt no real spiritual connection to them whatsoever. KO, and/or Greco-Egyptian Reconstructionism was where I’d always felt a connection — even before I came out and claimed Paganism as my true faith. Unfortunately, while I am an open book trying to learn from others via the only community I have within my grasp – the online Pagan community – I’ve gotten no love in return. I’ve always been a writer, it’s a lifelong dream to write my own novel or column so I am both humbled and grateful for the option to document my exploration in regards to KO and Paganism as a whole, every other week at Problem is, I all but torture myself every single week prior to writing, because I’m terrified of the response — if any — that I’ll receive from my peers in the online pagan community, in regards to what I write. I don’t profess to be “the all-knowing, all-seeing” motherfuggin EYE of Kemeticism. I don’t profess to be the source for all things related to KO, its dieties and its rituals. But documenting what I feel; what i’ve learned and what i seek to study next is the easiest way for me to solicit response from those “in the know,” in regards to the subjects I write about. As I share, I LEARN. Unfortunately, I feel many don’t see it that way in our community – regardless of their chosen path, they’d rather tear down or dictate what they feel is incorrect or misused information — vs. sharing the experience and lending what they know to the cycle of learning, practicing, and becoming a more knowledgable, responsible member of the Pagan community. Just today, for example — after posting my latest column and sharing it with a group (which will remain unnamed) on Facebook of some more well-known Pagan bloggers and writers, one that I’ve somewhat idolized from afar told me that my use the word ‘patron’ was incorrect, in reference to a female diety — it should’ve been ‘matron.’ Now while I could argue that either word would suffice considering the definition of both — so it’s not REALLY that big of a deal whether the diety is male or female — I got to thinking how senseless the conversation even was. Instead of giving me useful feedback on what I’d discussed, or sharing her experiences in regards to the topic, she chose to proofread and dish out what she considered grammatical errors instead. To say the very least, I was destroyed somewhat — yet again, AND by someone I respected, all I’d received was negative feedback on what they considered right and wrong. The situation summarized exactly what’s wrong with us right now as Pagans — and exactly what I had hoped to leave behind, when realizing that I no longer connected with the figurine called Christ, his minions or their Bible and beliefs. I’d hoped to find connection with like-minded people, who were looking to share their joy in finding connection not only with their gods, but with this earth and all things in it via the basic knowledge that applies to all paths of Paganism. But yet again, I’ve stumbled into the argumentative, know-it-all, hypocritical nonsense spewing type of folk that made up every single Christian church I had ever been in or experienced. *sighs heavily* I know that we are all human, and can only be human when it’s all said and done, but…I hope that somehow, someway light can find its way back into the hearts of those ‘experienced’ Pagan elite; the elders, storytellers, and “move-makers” that are the heart of the online Pagan community today. Either way, I refuse to let them steal my sunshine; if anything, I’ll share it freely. Again, thanks for this article and for doing what you do, hon — unknowingly, you’ve *always* made me feel welcome! ~Porsha

    • Porsha- One thing you have to remember is that a lot of us are writers or wannabe writers, and often trade “copy edit” work. Everyone has little ‘oopsies’ that get past a spell check, but most of us want stuff fixed *before* we send it off to a publisher. It would have been better to tell you via PM if that was possible. If someone tells you “It’s Ley Line, not Lay Line” there usually isn’t an “you idiot!” attached to it. I had 3 different people beta-read my novella before I sent it in, and I <3 that they took the time to point out problems!

      • I can appreciate that — absolutely! Beyond just having a bad day, I’ve been in one of those “beat herself up about her work” modes the past two months, but I’m coming out of it. I appreciate any and all feedback, when it comes down to it — it’s what this blogging/writing/FUN is all about, eh? Hope all is well with you this week! ;p

  9. While so far I haven’t run into a lot of this sort of venom, I know that it’s a big public problem in many religions. I’m definitely glad for you and Devo and Helmsman since all of you were and still are big helps in my own flailing fledgling Kemetic practice. I wasn’t even sure about this path at first until I learned more about it from you all. TC was definitely the find of the century, though I’ve noticed there definitely are the sort of people who would rather pick apart your grammar or respond in a condescending and haughty manner. I hope I can be a helpful blogger as well, though honestly I’m so disorganized in my blogging that I have no idea if anyone would find what I have to say particularly useful lol

    btw, would you mind if I added you on facebook?

    • TC really is a great find. I would probably still be bumbling along as well if I hadn’t found them. It was there that I realized I could *do* my own part and *do* my own for my Kemetic practice without feeling pressured to join a temple or something. And yes, there are a lot of, uh, people who aren’t willing to play nicely with others over there (which is why I left). But, you know… it’s a good source for information if you can look past all of that.

      Go right ahead and add me!

      • yes so now the real question is how do i find you XD lol I think part of the problem though on TC is the lack of tone that all electronic communication has as a shortcoming. Some people are purposely rude and condescending, others don’t mean to be that way and arguments develop from assuming

        • That is a pretty big problem. I know that I have tried to always see things as not, you know, bitchy. However, I gave up. I know that sometimes I can come off as a know-it-all and a bitch when I say “this is this and that is that” but I do try to explain where I’m coming from if taken offensively.

          • to be fair, I’m really emotional and anxious and take things too seriously lol Even though I’m definitely a bitchy person and totally one to debate and hold my ground just for the hell of it, but especially because I like learning and am highly opinionated, I’m totally a crybaby and easily upset XD

            • I’ve finally learned that when it comes to the Internet, I have to take things at face value unless I let you in. When you are in the circle, then we may have some issues. lol

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  11. Pingback: K is for Kemetism – PBP Pagan Blog Project « Pagan Pickle

  12. Pingback: Year 20 Under Nut, and New Beginnings – Wep Ronpet, the Kemetic New Year. « Shadows of the Sun

  13. It’s not just you (the Kemetics). Any of the recon religions (Heathenry, Hellenismos, etc.) all have the same problem because it’s all a bunch of people trying to piece together a religious/world-view from thousands-of-years-old texts and archaeological findings, and people get particular about their pet theories; this leads to an interesting form of fundamentalism (read “douchebaggery”). This is why I’m no longer a heathen.

    At this point, I’m a Dionysian, and we’re all a bunch of drunken fancy bastards, but Dionysus has so many facets that nobody can say “worship of the God looks like X” but there’s quite a lot of the paranoid-islander effect going on in wider hellenism.

    I’m actually turning into something of a Greco-egyptian-roman syncretist (I’m that bad of a history geek), so I’m thrilled to find some Kemetic blogs.

    • I’ve definitely heard that Kemetics aren’t the only idiots out there who have this problem. Sometimes, I think it’s all growing pains. On those days, I assure myself that Christianity and Islam had these issues when they were first starting out. Then I think about where Christianity and Islam have ended up and I get very afraid.

      That’s okay. As a Sekhmet kid, I obviously dance with blood and revel in the destruction of everything. Even though she has other facets, that is pretty much all anyone is willing to see (who isn’t one of her kids). Even other recons can be douches about the whole Sekhmet thing, which doesn’t make a lick of sense. They do the research, so they should know better.

  14. Hi, I’m late.

    I’m Orselina, and while I don’t venture onto the HoN boards, I usually spew my opinions all over FB Kemetic groups.


    I think a big part of why there’s so little (or so hostile) communications between we and other Pagans, is that MANY Kemetics don’t even consider themselves Pagan! I’m excluded in this. I figure: I’m polytheist (or poly-flavored henotheist, if that makes sense), I have an altar, I do ritual, I worship pre-Abrahamic Gods, and worship with others who worship pre-Abrahamic Gods. Therefore, “Pagan” works for me.

    I suspect many Kemetics (and other hard Recons) shirk from the P-word is because of the many visuals that go along with the term, “neo-Pagan.” Many people think of the pasty, doughy 35 year old who lives with six cats named after LotR characters, and bases their worship on hunks of amethyst, past-life regressions, Llewellyn books, and their Amy Brown Tarot deck. (I’m NOT saying that this is all Pagans OR that you’re a bad person if you’re guilty of the aforementioned. I’m just facing the stereotype.) I get that.

    And… perhaps, for some, “Pagan” just doesn’t resonate with them. That’s cool, too.

    Similarly, Pagans may feel snubbed by Polytheists who roll their eyes at “the P-word.” Go on any Kemetic FB group and see what a thread killer (or flame starter) it is when someone types in “Blessed Be! )O(”

    So that may be the big root of it.

  15. I am so very late to the party here. Thank the Almighty Google for me finding this entry, and thus, your blog. :)

    This problem is certainly not unique to Kemetism. My oddling UU church has some firsthand experience with Your Doing It Wrong shenanigans. See, we’re specifically a pagan UU church. We don’t have a minister, we have lay leaders who make up a Ritual Teams committee and write rituals, classes, and workshops. We celebrate many deities and traditions. We choose a new patron (usually from wildly different pantheons) every year. We never do things exactly the same way twice. And generally speaking, pagans from all sorts of traditions come in and look at us and think we’re all patently nuts. We’ve actually had members who have brought guests who have told us that the guests took them aside afterwards and told them that we’re dangerous because we’re Doing It Wrong.

    It’s very telling that a Unitarian Universalist church whose very core values include honoring and respecting all traditions and godforms get the cold shoulder from the more Traditionalist pagans who think we’re all doing the spiritual equivalent of bobsledding down Mt. Doom straight into an orc horde.

    • You are absolutely correct. Kemetism isn’t the only one who suffers from these types of behaviors, which is an unfortunate thing. I see the “You’re doing it wrong” mentality all the time now that I’m on Tumblr and whatnot. It’s really a sad state of affairs. I really just don’t understand why anyone thinks a holier-than-thou attitude for fledgling religions is even remotely okay.

  16. I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, having been in Druid groups and Wiccan Groups there is very little communication between those of us in an AE path. But I think the problem is more than just general jerkishnes, I think that the lack of groups (especial big groups) is killing us.

    I know how hard it is out there when you say your Kemetic; people hear, Hermetic, or a medic, or Jewish or anything but what you are. Why has every Pagan heard of Dianic Wicca, or Druidry, ? Because somewhere someone (or several someones) took the time to pull their shit together and do it, make a group, and do ritual every 6 weeks or so, even when no one came. They took the time to talk to others, I’m sure they talked to a 100 or 200 other Pagans and newbie’s to find one or two like minded people to join them in ritual.

    But in Kemetism we don’t do that. All the stuff that is instinctively beautiful and fascinating to us well frankly other people don’t get it. Some days when you are trapped talking to that guy (you know the one, he’s seen every episode of “ancient aliens” and loves that movie “The Mummy”, and is sure that there is a secret chamber in the sphinx’s asshole that is full of gold or dead aliens, or some other BS) it is so easy to give up, especially when one of your other Pagan friends set up on the equivalent of a blind date with someone “I’m sure you’ll just love.” In that case it is easy to give up and become a bitter pill because you feel like your friend should have known better.

    But we can’t give up and tell the Pagan community to take a flying leap over a flaming broom stick if we want a community. To one extent or another every Kemetic I know (including me) has done that when trying to start up a group, we get one too many of that guy and we just stop. But what we, what I need is to stand strong, and just and pay our dues. We have to ask ourselves is this a group about ego, or service to the Gods/ Netjert?
    ADF (a druid group) started out in 1983 by one guy who was sick of Druid groups that where more Masonic Lodges then Pagan Temples, so he went out a formed a group, and he did high days when no one showed up, and held classes that only one person attended, and did whatever he had to get the word out and now it is one of the biggest Pagan “churches” in the world.

    If Kemetics want to stop being red-headed step children we have to stop being jerks but we also have to step up, and stay up even in the face of overwhelming odds. Yes it will take a while to build a community, but it will never happen unless some of us man and woman up and grab out trowels and start building.

    • A lot of people have begun building in recent months, since I put out this post at least. There’s a group of us – called the boat paddlers – who go around and attempt to forge a sort of community. It’s hard. We get a lot of push back because of who we are and we’re met with, often skepticism, or outright distrust. I guess that’s kind of normal for Kemetics, though. Many of us have been doing this entirely alone for so long that the thought of having other people interested or even remotely willing to discuss things is a foreign concept.

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